
Choosing to be Friends

Singles can be lonely people looking for someone else to help fill their life with happiness, but others have a wide circle of friends and family. They may never really experience loneliness because they are always with others. Each of these people has their own life to live, but finding happiness with another person is a goal. While they may meet each other for a date, it could end up being a mistake for them to continue. They could decide never to see each other again, or choosing to be friends instead could be another way to find happiness.

There are people in the world who are not compatible with each other when it comes to dating. They may have different value systems when it comes to a partnership, or they might not have the chemistry they want with each other. There is nothing wrong with admitting it after the first date. Being able to share that information alone in an honest manner could be a good way to discover they can still be friends.

Not all couples are fated to fall into a romantic relationship that will lead them down the path to a life of happiness in marriage or a committed relationship. It would be a nicer world if that happened, but the reality is that a good relationship is between two people with mutual goals and outlooks on life. Being able to get along with another person even though they have a very different viewpoint on life is a good path to friendship rather than romance.

The choice to become friends and stay that way is one that happens between two mature people. While their romance may never have bloomed between them, they can still communicate and have a good relationship together. Friends may not be what they originally sought, but they could still find a lifetime of happiness with each other.