Exploring Relationship Endings

It would seem that the perfect way to end a partnership with another person is to discover the unbearable differences early and mutually agree to go separate ways. That would be wonderful, and it would save a lot of hard feelings. It is a rare and wonderful thing when two people can acknowledge they are not meant to be together without hurting each other. The unfortunate truth is that emotional involvement often keeps a pair together long after they have learned the truth, and the pain can be unbearable for at least one of them.

Getting into a relationship is relatively easy, but a commitment for the long term should take some time. The thought of being with a person for decades can be overwhelming, but it should feel like the right decision. When both parties are ready to agree it does not work, exploring relationship endings will be a subject they often regret learning. There are many ways for relationships to end, but the vast majority of them are painful.


Choosing to be Friends

Singles can be lonely people looking for someone else to help fill their life with happiness, but others have a wide circle of friends and...



Blindsided by a Partner

Couples often relax together as the years of their relationship accumulate, and they may feel very secure with their partner. Their daily interactions could be...



Just a Few Dates

Two people who find each other physically attractive may decide to date, and the first and second dates can be a wonderful time of getting...



Experiencing Profound Grief

It would seem that death is the final termination of any relationship, yet it can vary depending upon the length and depth of the relationship....



Avoiding a Former Partner

Relationship endings are often painful, and both partners may experience grief over what might have been in different circumstances. Constantly running into each other could...